Associate a visit

Associate a visit

You see a passer-by in the store and you would like to notify the employee? This is possible in the Call Management interface. All persons having access to this interface, will be able to assign a visit.

You can associate a visit to a department group or to a specific person.

Department (the number corresponds to the number of visits during the day)

Employee (the number corresponds to the number of visits during the day)

Press the + and a window will appear. If you have chosen the department, no user will be chosen, then the notification will go to all users of this department

If you have chosen the user, only they will see the notification

You can search for a customer or add a note if it does not exist in the system and then save

When the visit is recorded, the user will receive a red notification, in addition, a notification will be sent in the mobile application.

When opening the page, the notification will be red

When the visit is registered to the department group, all users will receive a blue notification, in addition, a notification will be sent in the mobile application.

When opening the page, the notification will be blue

Since the opportunity comes from an in-store visit, you will find the information in the module: In-store opportunities or directly on the side of the page

By clicking on the box: Unassociated visits, a new window will open to see the details. The salesmanager will be able to see all the visits, the seller will only be able to see his own.

If this visit is not important (a customer came to see if his vehicle has arrived), you can indicate it as "Irrelevant''.

It will appear in red in your visit log with an X

If you want to change the assignment of the visit, you can use the yellow square. However, you can change only if the visit has not been assigned to a client.

If the customer's details are entered, you can click on the name and you will automatically be directed to the file

When you are in the client's file and you have created an opportunity, don't forget to register your visit

When the visit has been recorded, there will be a history below the map. Press the + to open the details. Note that the notification will then be removed as well as the number in the box in the store opportunities module.

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