Creating a view

Creating a view

In each page of the Sales Module; you will have an Opportunities dashboard with default columns. You are able to create your own views with your desired columns and filters. As a Sales manager/director, you can create group views that only you have access to delete afterwards. The created view will then be available in all pages of the Sales Module (All Opportunities, Store Opportunities, Web Opportunities, Phone Opportunities)

In the Opportunities dashboard at the bottom of the page; you will find the following icons:

First Step -> Choose your columns by clicking on the eye icon (Column Visibility) and select with the blue check mark, by default everything will be checked.

ID = Opportunity number
Client = Traction customer number + First name + Last name
Sales contact = Number of actions by sales people
BDC Contact = Number of actions by BDC agent
Email = Customer's email
Phone = Customer's home phone number
Cell = Customer's cell phone number
Sales Opportunities = The amount of Sales Opportunities by category
Name = Card name (usually the name of the product)
Card = Visual of the card
Departments = Select your branch
Sales User = Salesperson
BDC User = BDC agent
FNI User = Financial manager
Parts User = Parts Clerk
Service User = Technical advisor
Delivery User = Delivery manager
Store User = Store clerk
Technician User = Technician
Category = General category of the cards (Active, Sold, Closed, Pending, Lost, Excluded)
Status = The sub category/status of each category
Images = Image of the product
Make = Brand of the product
Model = Model name of the product
Year = Year of the product
Model code = SKU / Model code of the product
Stock = Stock number of the product
Interest = Interest related to the product 
Type = New or used inventory
Creation date = Date when the card was created
Last activity date = Date when the last activity was made (communication)
Last Modification date = Date when there was a modification on the card (status, stock, quotation, customer product)
Date sold = Date when the card was sold
Delivered = Delivery status of the vehicle, it will be delivered if there is an End Date before today's date
Number of activities = Number of activities with this card and this customer
Number of tasks = Number of tasks associated to this card
Take over = If there was a Take Over of the Director on the card
Briefing = If there was a Briefing of the Director on the card
BUMP = If there was a BUMP from the Director on the card
Next sales task = Next task for the Sales User (add a task directly in the column)
Next BDC task = Next task to the BDC User (add a task directly in the column)
First meeting = First meeting with the customer is: Without meeting, With meeting, Walk-in, Appointment task
Second meeting = second meeting with the customer is: Without meeting, With meeting, Walk-in, Appointment task
Walk in = When the customer presents themself in the store
Appointment = The status of the appointment in person or without appointment
Phone appointment = The status of the telephone or walk-in appointment
Opportunity labels = Where the card originates from (according to your created sources)
Origin = Where the card's media came from (call, email, sms, vendor, form, store, live chat, facebook)
Archived = If the card has been archived
Excluded = If the card has been excluded from the statistics 
Workflow = See if the card is in a Workflow
Workflow board = See which column the card is in the Workflow
Workflow Schedule = See if the card has been put into the Workflow Schedule
Creation date = Date the card was sent to the Workflow
Start date = Start date (green square calendar)
Preparation date = Date when the vehicle is in preparation (not visible on the card)
End date = Date when the vehicle will be delivered (red square calendar)
Parts date = Date when we will receive the parts (blue square calendar)
Last board change = History in the workflow
Service class = Icon for Service
Sales class = Icon for Sales
Parts class = Icon for Parts
Delivery class = Icon for Delivery
Card type = Color of the card according to your configurations (User's Guide)
Priority = If you have a priority on your card
Comments = If you have entered comments on the card in the workflow
Responder = The person who answered the call/chat that created the potential opportunity

Column colors (Column header colors)

SECOND STEP -> Choose your filters in each column and then apply with the green square.
Example, I want to view ''Customer without task'', I will choose the following columns and filters. When there is a filter chosen in your column, you will see a check and a green outline:
- Customer
- Email
- Phone number
- Cell phone
- Card
- Department
- Sales User
- Category: Active + Pending
- Make
- Model
- Year 
- Date of creation
- Next task : No task
- Excluded : Not excluded

THIRD STEP -> Create your view

Give the view a name

If you are a director, you can make this view visible to everyone. A non-manager will not see this option.

When everything looks good, press the green + sign.

FOURTH STEP -> Select your view

If you see the people icon; it is because the view is visible to all. If you don't see the people icon, the view is only for you.

The blue pencil is to modify your view

The red garbage is for deleting your view. A warning message will be visible to confirm the deletion of the view. Once deleted, there is no going back.

* Don't forget that your filters will affect your top statistics as well as the boxes *
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