Email ratio

Email ratio

It is very important to enter the customer's email address in his file as soon as it is created. Having his email allows us to communicate with him via email and especially to send promotions, events, test drives, discuss on the mobile application, etc.

** NEVER PUT A FAKE EMAIL "NOOOEMAIL.COM" - if the customer does not have an email please leave the box at**

Some emails will not be valid if they are in CAPS, so always use lower case!

Here's how to detect whether or not you put the email on the customer's record when you created an opportunity:
1) Go directly to the sales table

2) Observe the percentage ratio. This allows you to see the percentage of customers who have an email created during the month. In an ideal world, we try to obtain a ratio of 75%.

3) Identify if the card has an email or not with the @ icon

Card with email:

Card without the email:

Please note that the key figure is applied when creating a customer without necessarily creating an opportunity.

When a customer calls, automatically the system does not put an email, this will not affect the key figure, because the customer is not associated with any salesperson.

If a salesperson creates a customer without an email, he will lose points and it will be shown in the sales table under his picture.

If he adds the email afterwards, the goal will remain the same, he will not gain extra points but the ratio will change at the same time. An invalid email also affects the email ratio in the negative, see the article to know if an email is valid or not.
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