Communications: Emails, SMS, Facebook and more

Communications: Emails, SMS, Facebook and more

How can I keep track of all communications made with my client? With this module, you won't miss anything. The advantage with this new feature is that you don't need an opportunity to communicate to a customer. 

The manager can see the "Communications list" and the basic user can only see his emails under the "My communications" tab.

You can see all sent, unread messages or received messages in this interface. Find the 3 buttons of blue, green and red color.

Blue = Show filters
Green = Apply filters
Red = Remove filters

By clicking on your message, you can do several actions.

You can click on the envelope to the right to mark it "as read" or reset it to "as unread".

When you receive a communication; you will automatically receive a task and a communications notification. The notification will disappear only when the task is completed or when the email is marked as read.

Access the client's file by clicking on this icon.

If you want to see the message, you can click on the line and the message will open. This does not cause the message to be marked as "read".

The message is not for you, so you can forward it by email or assign it to another employee. However, the employee must be assigned on the card before you can forward.

By moving your mouse to the right of the message; three light grey icons will appear for you to take forward actions.

By clicking on the "Forward" arrow, a message will pop up to assign the email to another.

Once you've assigned it to the person of your choosing, you will notice that the user icon to the right of the message has been changed to the photo of your assignee.


To reply, press the "Send" box. You will be able to send your email with this interface. But before that, see the different options you are offered.

You have different sending emails, you can use the general email sale_XXX@traction... or your email [username]_XXX@traction.... You can choose the one you want to discuss with your customer.
In order to change your sender email, first click on the settings icon above the subject box.

Your sender information will expand and then you will be able to click the drop down menu to switch your sender email.

Apart from changing your sender email, you can also choose your sender source. This means that you have the option to send your message via email, SMS or Facebook from the same place with a click of a button.

In your email tab, you can see your current sender source which is written in blue and have a dropdown arrow next to it. Click this arrow to change your sender source.

You want to send a contract, a picture, whatever the attachment, Traction offers you the possibility with the paperclip icon. What's even more interesting, you can add the stock number and it will send the complete specification sheet (if filled) in PDF format, so no need to invite the customer to go to your site, they can simply look at your attachment. 

To send the specs of the product to your client, first enter the model number, name, year or make in the search tool.

Choose the product you wish to send. A link will appear in the message box.

Once you've written your message and added the link to the product specs, send your message. As the message is delivered, they will also receive the product specs link. They need to click on the link and a new page will appear with all the specification details.

The director has access to all emails from any department.

Use the filters to view a specific user or department.

If you have forgotten the colors, here is a little refresh. Green indicates that the message has been delivered and if the circle is blue, it indicates that the customer has opened the message. To know the other colors, go to the article Recognizing an email ERROR

If you don't want your emails to be visible to everyone, you can ask the administrator to set this function to "on".

This setting can be found in Admin -> Users

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