Facebook Page

Facebook Page

Many of you have one or more Facebook pages. At the moment, the configuration only takes into account business pages and not personal pages.

If you want to connect your Facebook page to Traction, contact us directly so that we can start the process of getting Facebook to approve Traction. Here are the explanations of the Facebook interface in Traction.

1. The Facebook page is configured in the Admin button.

2. Add the facebook page using the green button

3. Fill in the information and always associate the source if you want to output your source report.

4. User lists: Insert the name(s) of the users who will have access to the Facebook tab. Please note that Facebook does not manage departments. All messages enter via the Messenger tab of your Facebook page. Then save.

5. When you save, the CHAT tab will appear in the top bar to assigned users. By default, you will be available. If you want to disable chat, you must make yourself unavailable and the system will not send you notifications.

6. Once the customer sends a message on your Facebook page, you will have a notification and a sound effect (if you have speakers). The notification icon will be red and the first one to respond will own the customer. If another colleague responds before you, you will not see the notification anymore.

7. You will have a dialog box that will open at the bottom right of the page.

8. Relevant icons on the dialog box:
(a) To create a customer record or match, you must use the following button to request the phone number.

b) To create a customer record or pairing, you must use the following button to request the email.

c) you can send an attached file using this icon

d) if a customer specifies a product, you can create an opportunity

e) to access the client's file, click on the permanent link.

9. Communication with the customer, when he answers you, you will have the sound stamp and also the top of the window will be red. You will also have a task and a visible communication just in time that you answer the customer.

10. Communication tab can be used if you prefer this interface than the bottom right box.

12. You can now communicate with the customer via : Email - SMS - Facebook (if of course all the information is filled in the customer's form)

13. If you did not ask for the customer's information in the dialog box at the beginning, the same buttons are there. You must absolutely use these buttons so that Facebook recognizes the same information as the fields of the customer file. Never write by hand example: ''What is your email'' - ''At what number can I call you''?

14. Don't forget that you can send the vehicle sheet as an attachment. The customer will receive an HTML link that he can then download.

15. Customer avatar: The customer's profile picture will be automatically put in his customer file. You will also have, in the additional information, his Facebook ID number. The ID is mainly used to communicate with the customer via Facebook.

16. Creating the opportunity will give you your stats with the precise source from Facebook. Remember, the source must be created and associated from the start.

17. Activity Icon: When you contact the client, the icon on the map will change.

18. See if the customer has read your message, the icon will turn blue.

19. See the original message by clicking on the eye.

20. Close the dialog box when your conversation is over. You can close it at any time, the customer will not see that you have left. The customer can write to you again at any time and the steps will start again. However, the customer belongs to you, since you replied first.

If you have any questions, don't hesitate to contact us. Another way to have all your communications centralized on ONE TOOL: Traction.

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