

Find all communications with your customers.

Customer's avatar: you will see the initials and you can insert an image in the customer's file to customize their avatar.

The icon allows you to see the last action you did with the client.

If your conversation is related to an opportunity, you will find the image of the opportunity.

Different communication methods are gathered in a customer's file.

It is impossible to communicate with the client if you see this yellow icon.

You can access the customer's file with the link attached to their name.

Dialog box, you can see all the conversations of your colleagues, but we always prioritize yours first. Blue is your conversation and grey is the customer's answer.

Choose a sender source such as email, sms or facebook if the account is active.

Insert attachments, unit sheet and/or email templates.

Expand your writing section using the small arrows to the left of Send.

See the conversations of other employees with this indicator.

As you click on this icon, the conversation between the other employee will expand. You can identify the sender by their avatar.

Other icons used