Modification of a work schedule

Modification of a work schedule

Once your technicians are created, you just need to create a schedule for your technicians. You can see below in the article how to schedule your store hours.

1. Go to the tab Edit work schedule (only the ADMIN can access it)

2. Choose the technician / resource to create his schedule

3. Drag your mouse up and down to select the time slot

4. You can choose the recurrence

The color of the schedule is the color of the user when you created it. To change it, you must go to the user's profile.

If you make a schedule modification, you will be offered to modify only this event, future events or all events.

5. If you want to copy this schedule and apply it to other technicians/resources, you can use the button: Copy work schedule

Then choose the technicians you want to copy the schedule

Instead of choosing your technicians, use the box on the right to choose your branch

Then, do the same procedure as for the technicians by dragging the block for your hours.

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