Quotation by email

Quotation by email

Program your email templates via Traction. When the salesperson wants to send the quote, the sales contract, the worksheet by email, he will be able to do it with this icon.

However, before sending an email, the administrator must make a template email. You must have the role ''ADMIN'' to do so. Admin -> Configuration -> Email templates -> Send sales contract by email.

** It is important to fill in the template in FR and EN and to save each template. (If it applies to you)**

The email is sent in English or French depending on the client's language of communication. You can change this information in the customer's record, additional information (the gray square).  By default, the customer's language is French.

Enter your subject. You can also add fields such as the name of the opportunity, the name of the client, etc.

Then, compose your message and don't forget to use the HTML tags to add bold, italic, paragraph. **Be careful, always close the tags and make the html correctly to avoid typing errors**. Below the text, you can always view.

Once your message is finished, don't forget to save. Specify the name of the user, because it is a general email, we will not see the signature of the person who sends it. 

Here is what the customer will receive on his email address.
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