Scoring Reports

Scoring Reports

Seller's are given daily, monthly and yearly goals, so it's important to have a report to see all the positives and negatives.

Where to find the Scoring Reports

Report -> Scoring Reports


Begin by selecting the employee(s) by clicking on the blue button.

Then proceed to choose the graph display, the date and the time period and apply the filters by clicking on the green button.

Graph display



Chart of the day

The first chart is the same as in the Sales Director Dashboard. To understand each box, see the article here. The information represents that of the selected salesperson.

Leader board

The second table represents the points accumulated during the day, the last 10 days and the last 30 days.


The third graph explains the result of the best salesman (mint green), his sales target (green) and his total sales (red). The figures will change depending on the user chosen at the beginning.

The target (green) is determined in the Sales Board.


By putting your cursor on each point, a result will be displayed. The blue is always the best and the red line is your chosen user from the start.

If you want to see all users, the graph will look like this. Remember that you can change the stacked visual or not.

You can remove users by clicking on the person's name and his or her name will be crossed out, removing them from the graph.

Distribution of positive points

Move your cursor to see the entirety of each category.

Breakdown of negative points

Move your cursor to see the totality of each category.

Number of times

See the most popular actions and how many points have been accumulated for each. You are able to change the ascending or descending order.