Sales contract without exchange

Sales contract without exchange

How to build a contract from A to Z with an exchange.

Always look for the customer by phone number first, if it is non-existent, then you must create it. Enter all the necessary information. 
- First name
- Last name
- Co-owner if necessary
- Cell phone (to exchange by text message)
- E-mail address

Enter the secondary information, using the grey box, so that your contract is complete.
- Mailing Address
- Date of birth
- Driver's license

Once everything is entered; do not forget to save.

Once you save, check that the email is valid with the help of the green check mark. If you see a red X, it means that the email is not valid, so it will be impossible to send an email. See the article Email Validation for more information.

Add a product to the customer. By adding the product, the customer will be yours and the communication can start and all your actions will be saved on the customer's card.

Once you have chosen your product, you must save the opportunity.

By choosing a product, automatically an interest will be linked to the customer. A customer can have several interests.

Add accessories to the product by entering the part number or name and a selection will be displayed. You must choose the part that suits you. You can add the number of accessories that the customer wants. The grey boxes are not editable. All information comes from the Product Manager module.

When adding the part, you can also include the cost of labor and time. If you are feeling generous, you can also offer a discount on the part. Once you have added the accessory(ies), the total will be added in the Accessories box. Save when everything is added.

Step 5 - FEES
A contract always comes with fees, the fees are checked automatically, but you can uncheck them or modify them at any time (example for the tire tax). The fees can vary. Save the opportunity when the fees are added.

Step 6 - PRICE
Once the opportunity, parts and fees are determined; you can go to the price column to adjust the prices as needed. If you are offering a discount to the customer, enter it in the Discount box. The grey boxes cannot be changed.

You are now at the point of giving a price to the customer, so you need to create a quote.
First of all, notice that the card will be green when there is no quote.

When there is a quotation, the card will be blue.

How to create a quotation :

You can customize the name of the quotation. It is important to choose the product and choose the exchange.

Press create to create the quotation.

When the quote is created, all the numbers will be added to the column. You can always choose the quote you want. As in this example, we have a quote with trade and without trade. 

If a client wants to see the payment per week, bi-weekly or monthly, you are offered a tool in Traction. You will be able to make the different scenarios.

If the customer wants to have the quotation on paper, it is possible to print the quotation and it will open in another tab as a PDF.

** When you print the quotation, the PDF will be automatically saved in your client's attachments.**

If the customer wants to leave a deposit, you must change the sales status and enter the amount of the deposit. You can enter it in cash, if you want to deduct it from the amount on delivery or enter it in refundable deposit if the customer wants to be refunded his deposit.

Congratulations, you now know how to build a contract in Traction!

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