Sales Dashboard

Sales Dashboard

The dashboard is the perfect place to see all these customer cards in all different statuses. You are able to filter, see your goals, see your overdue or to do tasks, etc...

A simple user will only see his cards. A sales manager/director will be able to access the dashboard of one or more employees.

You can open each category with the + to see the subcategories. If you want to know each category, I invite you to read this article. To close the category, press the - button.

You can view your filters, apply your filters or delete your filters with the 3 buttons on the right.

Each description you click on, the dashboard will show you the exact number of cards for that description. For example, if I want to see only the 12 tasks to do, I click on ''tasks to do'' and it will show me only the 12 cards. If I want to go back to all my cards, I have to delete my filter with the red square.

Sales Objectives

Waiting to be contacted / Waiting not contacted

Appointment (appointment task)

Delivery (must contain an end date)

Urgent tasks (to be done today or later)

Tasks to do (to be done in more than 24 hours)

The number with a % is your closing rate for the last 7 days for this status.

CD -> Creation date

AD -> Activity Date

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