Sales Director Dashboard

Sales Director Dashboard

This page should be displayed at all times on your television. This is the graphic that will keep you as up to date as possible every day. It is a page that refreshes itself every day. Be on the lookout for every little detail.

Sales -> Sales Director Dashboard



See the percentage of points accumulated during the day and the percentage obtained during the month.

This box allows you to see the appointments that are coming up in the next 7 days. Clicking on this box will take you to the Task Calendar and the appointment filter will be pre-selected.

The first box will show your sales for the day. By placing your cursor over the box, you will see the goal for the day and the number of sales you made last year. You can edit the goals by clicking on the green button. Only those who have the Admin role will be able to change the goals.

Arrow pointing up = outgoing call
Arrow pointing down = incoming call

Number of calls that contain a return to reception. This box will take you to the Call Manager. Only those who have the role will be able to see the returns. The number of potential opportunities should be as low as possible. If you have numbers piling up, it means that your salesperson has not processed his potential opportunity. It will be affected in his report. To learn more about potential opportunities, read the article here.

The first box shows you all overdue notes and tasks. By clicking on the box, you will see all the emergencies.

Pending / Awaiting
Indicates all opportunities with an email or form pending. 

Customer without email
How many new customers have been entered during the day without email. Clicking on the box will show all the customer cards that do not contain an email. By adding the customer's email, you will help the marketing for the email reminder as well as your email ratio in the sales table.

You are able to see all deliveries in progress. Choose the workflow that suits you, the organization of the calendar and the display.

You are able to see the curve of the number of calls answered during the previous 14 days. The black line represents all the departments in your branches.

You are able to see the curve of the number of calls returned to the reception during the previous 14 days. The black line represents all departments in your branches.

You will find the top 5 salespeople in each column. Number of sales, score, outgoing and incoming calls and percentage of answered calls.

You will find the bottom 5 salespeople in each column. Late notes, urgent tasks, percentage of calls returned to the reception and who create customer files without email.

This graph shows you all the sources gathered and helps you see the status of each opportunity. Also, by placing your cursor over the dot, you will be able to see your sales ratio each month.

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