Sales module statistics

Sales module statistics

The statistics section is available in all tabs of the sales module. You will find the selected users and different columns.
For the numbers, you will have the total opportunity, the total sale and the closing rate. *Remember that your statistics only include Active, Sold, Closed, Pending, Lost and Not Excluded cards. To learn more about statuses, check out the following two articles: Category and Exclude.

If you want to change the alphabetical or numerical order, use the arrows in each column.

If you don't need to see this table, use this icon completely on the right.

If you need to export the data, you have the option completely on the right. Only the Excel format is available.

You can display your statistics in 2 panes. Both panes contain the same choices. The first pane will be the priority and the second pane will be displayed when you open the first one.

The columns on the right hand side of the page vary depending on the sales module you have chosen (in-store opportunities, web, call).

All Opportunities

In-Store Opportunities

Web Opportunities

Call Opportunities

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