Email/text preferences

Email/text preferences

Are you tired of always rewriting the same message and always copying and pasting from your Word file? You can create your own predefined messages. You have to fill in the email and SMS boxes in order to make your message accessible.

Each message must be put in the Traction account individually. Anyone can create their own message.

Create a template by pressing the green button.

Enter all necessary information and save.
      - Title: The title of your template
      - Subject: Only used for emails
      - Content: Email
      - Text content: SMS

Fill in all the boxes.

Use variables to make the data auto-populate.

Once saved, you will see your template and you can create as many as you want. You can edit with the pencil or delete the template with the red trash can.

To apply this template in the client's file, here are the steps: 

Go to the customer's file and click on Communications.

Choose your sending method: Email or SMS

Click on the small wheel to see the template and click on the title of the desired template. The message will automatically fill in.

Remember that by email, you have your automatic signature and by text you will only have your first and last name.

**Don't forget that the customer can't call on an SMS number, so if necessary, leave the branch number and your extension.

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