In order to push a card into a Workflow; you need to make sure these 2 steps have been completed beforehand:
1. A quote has been created
2. The status of the quote has been selected
If these two steps are not followed, you will not have access to the Workflow tab at all. The reason being; in order to push a card into a Workflow, a vehicle must be Sold. In order to Sell a vehicle; a quote must be created and a quote status must be chosen.
When a vehicle is Sold; we need to begin the "Sale to Delivery" process which is your Delivery Workflow. This article will explain the steps to send the card in a Workflow.
Creating a quote:
In the light blue box; you will see a Green button with a plus sign. This is how you create a Quote.
Choosing a Status:
Once your quote is created; click on the Grey box indicating "In Quotation" in order to select the Status of your quote. Ideally, the Salesperson will choose one of the Deposit statuses and afterwards, the FNI will modify the Status to Approved/Lost.
You may notice that the Workflow Data tab now appears below. The first step is to choose the Workflow you wish to send the card in. After selecting you Workflow, you must select a column in Workflow Board. By default, the first column in the Workflow is displayed.
You can add the Delivery date below along with the time of delivery right next to it. If you have parts on order, you can also put the date and time when it will arrive in the Part date field.
You can add an Icon to the card to identify a status from a chosen department. By selecting on one of the classes you can choose one Icon per department. If the document's are signed; it is suggested to choose the small pencil. If you are expecting parts; there is an icon for that too. The icon and its color will appear in the drop-down list, otherwise you can always consult the legend in your User's Guide.
Class of Sale:
Class of Parts:
Class of Shipping:
In order to determine what status your card is in; we have added color options to easily identify them within the Workflow. The color options are 100% configurable to your needs and can be modified at any point in time by an Administrator. After you've gone through choosing your Dates and Icons, you can change the color of the card in the Card Type column.
Once all the data is entered, you can now save and the card will be displayed in the Workflow. If you want to access the workflow, click on : Workflow -> (Choose the Workflow you pushed the card to).
If a Sale has been cancelled or you need to remove the card from the Workflow for any other reason; scroll down the Workflow Data Tab. At the bottom you will see a bright yellow button that says "Delete Workflow Data".