Task Calendar

Task Calendar

You can track all current, scheduled or overdue tasks of each user. You can customize the calendar as you wish with the different filters. Don't forget that we work by color, so you will find the same colors as usual.


Tool - Task Calendar

Month - Week - Day - Filter

Choose the desired filter and don't forget to activate them by clicking the green button

You will see the tasks done and to do (white). The yellow box is always today.

You will see only the to-do items in white. The yellow box is always today's date.

You will see only the done tasks in gray.

Grey -> task completed

Blue -> blue outline = your task

Green -> green outline = you are subscribed to the task

When you put your cursor on the task, you will see in the upper right corner the description of the task. In addition, the colors follow. You will be able to see if the task is overdue, for today or for later.

Done (fully grey)

Your task (blue line)

Your subscription (green line)

Late (red date)

Today (yellow date)

Later Date (green date)

There are some tasks to hide, so you can click on the +(Digits) more and it will show you the other tasks.

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