If you have access to the PBX system, here's how to program a voice mailbox so that the audio goes directly into Traction.
In the extension of the employee who has Traction access, choose the VOICEMAIL tab
- Applications
- Select extension and edit
-Enable: Yes
- Voicemail Password: you can put whatever you want - must be minimum 5 characters
- Email Address: extension#@tractionemail.com (so the person's extension and the user's TRACTION email address).
**In Traction** -> The user's address will be available in the Admin->Department tab, in the column: Traction Email. You must take the part after the @, the @ must be included. Example :
- Email Attachment : Yes (to be able to receive voicemail in Traction)
- Delete Voicemail : Yes (so that the message is automatically deleted from the landline)
Make sure that "FOLLOW ME" is deactivated
When everything is configured, make a test by sending yourself a voice message and go to the list of communications (Traction) to recover the reception email.
Locate this email
And enter it in the configurations: Admin -> Configuration -> Call management
Enter it in the respective box and save